Candidate Information – Sheeba Nandajan

Sheeba Nandajan, DTM

Toastmasters member since : Decembet 01, 2016

Education: BAL LLB

Toastmasters offices held and terms of service:

  • Area Director Jul. 01, 2023 to Jun. 30, 2024

  • VP Ed 2023-24

  • Club President Jul. 01, 2020 to Jun. 30, 2021

  • VP Membership Jul. 01, 2019 to Jun. 30, 2020

  • Treasurer Jul. 01, 2017 to Jun. 30, 2018

  • Treasurer Dec. 23, 2016 to Jun. 30, 2017


Toastmasters honors and recognition:

  • Distinguished Toastmaster(DTMPW), Club Coach Leadership Exception(COACHDL), Advanced Communicator Bronze(ACB), Pathways Mentor Program(PWMENTORPGM), Advanced Leader Bronze(ALB), CC, CL

Relevant work experience and how it relates to Toastmasters and your role as a District leader:

i am heading administration of prosecutors of entire state of Kerala and is a sensational, crucial and volatile job. I can use the skills aquired in my profession to the role of a District Leader

What experience do you have in strategic planning?

I have strategic planning experience as a Deputy Director of Prosecution where I had to plan the district activities and now I do the same for entire state

What experience do you have in the area of finance?

Budget preparation for district activities

What experience do you have in developing procedures?

Developed procedures for district prosecution

What lessons did you learn from previous leadership positions?

A human touch can solve many of the issues. Bring people together , listen all sides, discuss and arrive solution

Why do you want to serve as a District leader?

My division D needs lot of hand holding that I realised when I served as Area Director. I wolud like to extend my service to solve this

In your opinion, what are the District mission’s major objectives and how would you work to achieve them?

Build new clubs and help that to become excellent clubs

Additional information about yourself: