Candidate Information – Beena Vas S

Beena Vas S, DTM

Toastmasters member since : October 1, 2009

Education: BTech in Civil Engineering, Master of Business Administration

Toastmasters offices held and terms of service:

  • Club Secretary
  • SAA
  • VPE
  • President
  • Area Director 
  • Division Director 
  • Administration Manager

Toastmasters honors and recognition:

  • Distinguished Toastmaster, Twice

Relevant work experience and how it relates to Toastmasters and your role as a District leader:

I have taken up the role of Area Director, Division Director, Co conference Chair and Adminstration Manager. I had been a part of CGD,PQD and DDs Extended team.

What experience do you have in strategic planning?

 The strategic planning has helped me become Distinguised Division Director and also to have no net club loss in my term as Area Director. The analysis of the trend and stiutation helped in planning a vision of being the Presidents Distinguised Division by rolling out a quarterly goals to be acheived so that every team member felt accountable.

What experience do you have in the area of finance?
I have handled finances of an NGO Amaara Foundation co founded by me from 2014. since the NGO ran on donations from public , sufficient care had to taken in the way finances had to managed.

What experience do you have in developing procedures?

Procedures help in maintaing uniformity and accountability. As a Division Director, the procedure was set for the responsibilities of an Area Directors which resulted in the Division being president Distringuished.

What lessons did you learn from previous leadership positions?

A leader has to cut through fear and communicate effectively to get results. It is important to know the needs and motivations of your team to bring results.

Why do you want to serve as a District leader?

As an individual contributor the time you have and the impact you can make is limited. As a leader, you can make a broader impact because of the team, and a high-performing team achieves much more than what a single individual can. 2. It helps you to learn different skills, and would have the opportunity to learn and practice leadership skills such as active listening, coaching, mentoring, and influencing, which would help you grow much more as a person and into a more capable leader.

In your opinion, what are the District mission’s major objectives and how would you work to achieve them?

The mission of the District is to enhance the performance and extend the network of clubs, thereby offering greater numbers of people the opportunity to benefit from the Toastmasters educational program. I would work to bring into the notice of the community, the benefits of toastmasters and spread the word of toastmasters to areas which does not have the presence of a toastmasters club. The PR in respect of Toastmasters would be worked into to achieve the goals set. strategic planning have to be done in getting new members, meetings to be made interesting to maintain the members. The YLP and Speech craft programs are to be marketed properly to leverage Toastmasters program to attract new members. A strategic plan to create new members, have quality meetings to retain members, market toastmasters in existing places to get newer members and to spread the word of Toastmasters and how it can help on improvement of self would help achieve the District Mission.

Additional information about yourself:

I have worked in various leadership positions from the time I got into toastmasters outside the club. I have been mostly a part of the extended teams of the TRIO.